the girl.

formally known as brittani ann finlayson. born in salt lake city, utah, and raised in highland.  two brothers, zero sisters.  i enjoy swimming, videography, writing, and design.  i spend an abnormal amount of time at the swimming pool due to my love for swimming and the water, which has been with me since the ripe age of eighteen months.  i am attending the university of utah in the fall and becoming a lady ute, swimmer style.  i have declared a fine arts major with an emphasis on graphic design, i am currently in the process of filming a movie for the utah high school film festival, and i’m recently certified in cpr.  i would offer to give you mouth to mouth, but i have a mask for that.  hello, my name is brittani finlayson and i am a certified lifeguard, may I help you?  (that’s my line. nice, right?) i prefer backpacks to purses, and my sperry’s to high heels.  i collect panties, and frequently offend people with my odd obsession with victoria’s secret.  you’re not offended, right? i cheer for the Jazz when watching the NBA, and against BYU in any college athletic event.  i like alternative music, techno, country, and the occasional rap session when lifting weights.  i won the pinewood derby in my ward because i was convinced a girl with a mechanical mind and an eye for glitter could beat any young man. to top my autobiography off, of any dessert choice, strawberry pie is my favorite.

p.s. i think life is lovely.