

i would rather feel like i just got hit by a train than feel nothing at all.  i'm alive. and i'm thankful.

i'm thankful for my friend who asks me if i'm okay just because she feels like something's wrong.  for the bestie who texts me at midnight wondering if i want some del taco.  i'm thankful for long thursday nights in salt lake city filming a music video.  i'm thankful for friday night lifeguard class, for saturday plans at the lake and festival of colors.  i'm thankful for the hunger games.  i'm thankful for my family who listens to all i have to say and lets me cry when i need to. i'm thankful for tangerine chevron tape, for prophets whose talks tell you everything. i'm thankful for prayer.  i'm thankful for where i live, for the all-too-unstable weather, for construction everywhere you turn.  i'm thankful for a warm bed at night, for european chocolate that drowns every sorrow, for coca cola in bottles.  i'm thankful for everything.  right now, right at this moment, i'm most thankful for my heavenly father.  although you may crinkle your eyebrows and subconsciously wonder if i'm pulling the cheesy church card, i am so thankful.  cause no matter how many lemons life gives you, he'll always help you sweeten up your lemonade.


1 comment:

Logan and Carly said...

love you b. thanks for all you do. if you need anything or a shoulder to cry on, call me. seriously.