this blog right here has always been a secure place where i can type out my many thoughts raging through my head, and there are many, be aware. but lately, nameless people are taking my writing and rudely commenting as though it has something to do with them. for months now, i have been typing simple things that don't actually go through my head, words that haven't been processed in my mind, i have been typing words with no meaning, paragraphs with no feel, the simple words that are, in reality, a bunch of fillers that don't apply to my life in the slightest. i read a friend's post about a kiss and think to myself, "i wish i could write what i feel on my blog." then i realized, this is wrong.
isn't this what a blog is for? i believe a blog is your own right to write whatever comes to your mind. this blog is my right to publish my stories that make me shakey-kneed and shallow-breath-y. a place where i can write about being in love, even if other people don't agree. i want to be able to write about whatever i want, whenever i want to, and not have the fear that someone is going to get mad or bothered or angry and come at me with a sword.
so here is my conclusion, if you don't like what i write, don't read it. i don't care.
"paper cranes"
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