
it goes on.


life is unexpected. everything, completely unexpected. life is when your uncle gets a brain tumor and life is when every once of information you get continues to get worse... and worse.  life. it's what changes your name and changes your grades and changes your personality and style and relationships.  life. it's what makes you fall in love, it's what makes you fall out of it.  life is the oxygen we breathe into our lungs and every flutter of our eyelids.  life is the late-night blogging and the forever long procrastination of research papers.  life is every moment we choose to let go and every second we cherish.  life is our opportunities, it's our good days and our bad days, it's our failures and our triumphs.  life is getting up after someone pushes you to the ground and probably stomps on you a couple times cause they really have no heart, and no soul for that matter.  life is what compels your friends to send you messages containing the words "i miss you friend, come back" and life is what makes you come back, every time.  life is what hurts your feelings and life is what makes you forgive.  life is your family, your friends, anything that walks into your life and steps all over your heart. life is hating people and loving people, and life is hopefully having the love outweigh the hate. life is attempting to do math and life is having a friend to teach it to you six times. and life is what makes you feel like an idiot half the time and the champion of the world the other half.  life is what makes us emotional, it's what whispers to us we deserve better. life's what causes all break-ups and life's what causes every change.  life is what makes you sporadically write a missionary and life is what makes you pray he scribbles a note back for you.  life is what makes the q on this keyboard difficult to press and life is what makes you press that q until it goes. life is what changes you and life is what changes me.  life is what makes you hope that every change is good. life gives you second chances, and third chances, and fourth chances.  life gives you room for improvement and life doesn't fail you, you're the one that can fail life.

if i've learned one thing about life, it's that it goes on.

you cannot change the past, but you can change your future.

"things change and people change, and life doesn't stop for anybody."


p.s. guess who's going on a recruiting trip this weekend? me! don't be too excited. okay, be excited, cause i'm stoked and stuff.


elizabeth. said...

I love you.
Thanks for the chat tonight.
it was too good.
and things will work out just the way they need to.

Daryk said...

The cruel sporatics of life is what make us want to depend on something. Life is trials, sometimes building character but often revealing character. It's every broken heart that waits for the right guy to mend it. Life is wanting something more than what you breathe. It's the late night hot chocolate drinks full of nothingness that makes a simple memory become established. Life is every moment we cherish that can be recognized in the people around you. Life is wanting the friends that text you the meaningful, but more often being the friend to say I miss you. So yea, I do miss you Britney :) Life is being judged and knowing they don't know who you are. Life is the hope for the best, and preparing for the worst. It's the hideous all around you and the beauty hiding in the cracks. Your life, is something that has changed you. And I'm glad it didn't make you any different!

Don't focus on your limitations but instead on the potential of your infinity. Life is hundreds of reasons to cry, but a thousand reasons to smile. It shows you that the number of breaths you took never mattered, but in the end it was the moments that took your breath away.

Life is looking back on the tears and laughing, but most importantly looking back on the laughs and crying.

Hey, you're the best. And the only reason life sucks, is because there is opposition. Just know all this crap is bringing something best to come.